Friday- Safe Arrival

Safe Arrival
Well, I am thankful to announce that we made it safely to Shantou. We have now learned that over 60,000 people were stranded in Zhengzhou due to the ice and snow. The chaos even made the front page of the China Daily, so I will be saving that copy for my memory book.
The Zhengzhou airport finally reopened around 9 p.m. Thursday. Everyone clustered around the windows and gave a huge cheer when the first airplane took flight. The plane that would take us to Guangzhou still had not arrived, so I decided to take my briefcase to use as a pillow and lie down on the tile floor in the airport for awhile. I had just closed my eyes when I suddenly heard people yelling, pounding, and hitting glass. I honestly thought that a show was taking place, so I got up to see who was performing to help pass the time in the airport. Instead, I quickly learned that the passengers to Guangzhou (our flight) had just learned that the plane that was supposed to be for us, was instead going to take the Shanghai passengers all the way to their city, turn around and come back to Zhengzhou before then taking us to Guangzhou. We would have another 8 hours of waiting for the plane to return and would not be able to take off until around 6 a.m. Well……….let’s just say the Guangzhou passengers didn’t take that very well. We saw food being thrown at the customer service people, lots of yelling, and various other interesting moments that attracted an even larger crowd.
At around 10:30, we heard them call our flight number but of course with the destination of Shanghai. The next thing we knew, a large group of passengers from our flight decided to storm the gate, insisting to board the plane themselves. The amazing thing is that around an hour later, all of their noise paid off. The next thing we knew they suddenly had “found” a plane for us. Karen and I thought we were going to have to wait until 4 a.m., so we were busy talking to new friends in the airport and all of us completely missed them calling the flight to Guangzhou. Suddenly a man ran up and said it was the last call to Guangzhou and the gate was one level down. We raced downstairs only to be a few of the last people to board the bus to our plane. Can you even imagine if we would have missed the flight we waited almost two days for?
We arrived in Guangzhou at 3 a.m., collected our bags and headed to a hotel. We managed to check in at around 4 a.m. Remember the night before where I said our Chinese male friend had to share a room with us? Well, we went even one better this time. The man behind us in line at the hotel discovered that we had received the last room and he would have no place to stay. Our facilitator is such a caring man, so he asked if it was okay for him to stay with us. Karen and I were laughing in bed that night that we had a stranger from Guilin staying in our room. We never got his name but he was very, very nice. I am sure he is not telling his wife. J
After two wonderful hours of sleep, we got up at 6 and headed to the airport to catch our flight to Shantou. I still couldn’t believe that we were actually going to make it there.

The orphanage had prepared gifts for each foster family for Chinese New Year, and each child got a new pair of shoes, a Chinese outfit, and their family got an enormous bag of rice and some juice. It was one big celebration and I am so happy we were able to be there. I kept telling the foster moms, “thank you…..thank you” for the care they were giving the kids, but they kept grabbing my hand saying “thank you for letting us parent these kids”. How many times can I say that I love foster care?

After the foster kids left, Karen and I went room to room with one of the doctors to see the newest children who have medical needs. There are over 25 children who will need surgery. Baby He, who has a tumor on his neck and who is fully sponsored for surgery now, is so adorable. I didn’t realize how young he was when we got his case, but he is so tiny with the brightest little eyes. He will be moved for surgery immediately following spring festival. Karen got a photo of each child needing surgery and we will immediately start looking for sponsors when we get back to the states.

As we walked room to room, the orphanage pointed out those children who will soon be going to America and Ireland.

Before we knew it, it was time for our dinner with the teens. We were able to take 20 of them out for traditional Shantou hotpot. The kids decided to walk to the restaurant, but the staff insisted we go by car since they felt we must be tired from our long journey. One of the teachers was recently given a new car by her daughter. They have nicknamed it the “green apple car” as it is the exact same color as a Granny Smith apple and is almost as round. It is actually called a “QQ” car and you can buy one in China for about 40,000 rmb ($5000). She offered to drive us to the restaurant as she had just learned to drive the month before. . She is SUCH a careful driver, with two hands firmly on the wheel. It was sort of funny to Karen and I that she was being so diligent as no one else in Shantou seems to follow traffic rules. J

The hot pot dinner was so much fun. It was the first time the kids had experienced this type of meal. The kids ate and ate and ate, and it was wonderful to look around the tables and see everyone laughing and talking. After dinner and the passing out of the huang bao, we took some of the teens to Walmart in order to buy some “female things”. We told them we wanted to take six girls with us and when we arrived at Walmart we discovered it was half boys and half girls instead. Now we had a quandary as we knew we had a mission and it certainly didn’t involve boys, so we sent them off to the electronics department and told them we would find them later. J Out of privacy for the girls I won’t discuss what all we bought, but suffice it to say, when we checked out and the boys actually saw what was in our cart, they stationed themselves AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE from the cash register. It was absolutely priceless.
We finally got back to the hotel at around 11 p.m. and started filling cereal bags for the kids for the next day. A few moments later, my friend Ao phoned to say he was in the hotel. He asked if we could come down and meet him and his girlfriend. Even though we were very tired, there is no way we would miss having a chance to see them, so we went down and had a lovely visit. Karen and I have a saying on this trip of “why sleep in China when we can sleep in the US?” There is just so much to do and so few hours, so sleeping is the absolute last thing on our list.

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